The Right Question

A few days ago, my oldest daughter came into the living room.  “Have you got any money?” she asked.  She was obviously in a hurry because she hadn’t even taken off her shoes.  I already knew she was planning a walk to the store for ice cream. 

“No, what for?” I said.  I was responding to the tension she brought into the room, rather than to her question.  I saw her look of disappointment.  “Is that the only thing you came in for?” I asked.  I was so hoping she wanted something else, to tell me something that happened at school, to ask my opinion about something, anything to salvage the moment. 

She lifted a shoulder, “No, that’s all.”  And left. 

About 10 minutes later, my younger daughter came into the living room.  She saw me reading and waited until I looked up at her.  My body language was still responding to the atmosphere left by my oldest daughter.  I was expecting certain things and gearing myself up to answer her and get back to my reading. 

“Do you mind if I go to the store for ice cream?” she asked.  The atmosphere was immediately changed. 

“Sure, that’s fine,” I said.

“Do you want some too?”  She held her few coins in her hand.  She was counting them and I later learned that she realized that if she bought a cheaper ice cream, she’d have enough money left to buy me one too. 

My younger daughter didn’t want anything from me.  She just wanted to share with me something that she enjoys.  I opened my wallet and gave her money for her ice cream, one for me, and one for her brother.  And not the cheapest ice creams either, but the one she had really wanted. 

Proverbs 11:25 The generous will prosper; those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed. 

Question for Reflection: Is our prayer life an out loud version of a shopping list of items we want?  Or are we sharing more of ourselves with Jesus?  I believe the more we share of ourselves, the more He pours out blessings and favor on us. 

Now, my older daughter didn’t do anything wrong.  She just doesn’t have time for flowery stuff.  She’s more of a straight-to-the-point type.  Very determined to accomplish her task.  My younger daughter, however, always has time for everything.  She’s never in a hurry.  She stops and actually smells the roses, even if she has to go looking for them.  I’m learning a lot from both my daughters. 

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